Eligible Services Search
Enter the keywords to search in the box below.
Then you can choose to search the "Service Title" field of the Eligible Services list,
the "Service Description" field, or both.
You can also choose to limit the search to an individual Service Category. Click "Search" to start.
Billed Entity Search Tool
Important Information
This feature allows you to search for any school, school district, district, consortium or other entity
that has filed for E-rate discounts or been listed on an E-rate application.
Service Provider Search Tool
Enter all or part of the name of the service provider or the Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) for which you want to search.
Click "Begin Search" to see the results.
Important Information
The service provider search allows you to find the contact information for a service provider.
The search results also indicate if the service provider has been designated as an Eligible
Telecommunications Provider and the year(s) for which the service provider has filed the
Service Provider Annual Certification form.
ERMDataTbl class requires a valid MySQL query resource, or 2-dimensional array